...so i've been deliberating for almost a year now - actually over a year - about whether or not i really wana make diz corner of virtuality my venting ground!
...n honestly i've tried all the other conventional - and a couple unconventional - modes of venting... but then i still haven't really found THE way 2 unburden ALL the thoughts, flashes, events that some dayz unfold 4 me - n most dayz DON'T (but datz a different post altogether)!
...n in pure prodigal style, im bak on blogger... only this time i plan 2 b less a stranger 2 the spot, less lethargic, less the reader n more the blogger... or so i hope!
...wat bringz me here, therefore, is not this maddening frenzy 2 have people all over 'cyber-ia' read my blogz - i mean u r more than welcome 2, ofcourse - but then my sole purpose in blogging here iz more a therapeutic endeavour than anything else - 2 b able to put in2 wordz all (n i mean ALL) that goes unaccounted for (n often almost unfelt?!) twixt a dawn n itz dusk!
...having said all of that, let the therapy begin, wat say?!